
Showing posts from February, 2018

Plantar Fasciitis: What It Is and Best Stretches to Ease Pain

[caption id="attachment_66000" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Twenty20 [/caption] Plantar fasciitis can happen in a snap. You get out of bed one morning, and the minute you set one heel down on the floor, it starts throbbing. You did a tough workout the day before and had some heel pain but nothing serious. Weird, right? Plantar fasciitis is actually the most common cause of heel pain , and it strikes a whopping two million individuals every year, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS). Although it’s an injury that can affect anybody, certain conditions make it more likely. “The heavier you are, the more you jump, the worse your shoes , the harder the surface you’re on, the more you increase your risk,” says Alan Shih, D.P.M., director of podiatry at Head to Toe Healthcare in Tucson, AZ. Other risk factors include having a high arch, tight calf muscles (you can tell if you have trouble flexing your foot toward your shin),

Pinto Squash Stew with Chimichurri

We had a thunderstorm yesterday. I know that doesn't sound super out of the norm but when you live in California, rain comes occasionally but I've only been through a handful of thunderstorms. I love spring thunderstorms and it's one of the things I miss about the midwest. This stew is my idea of a perfect thunderstorm meal. Have a delicious piece of bread and a glass of wine; it's the perfect, cozy meal. Read more and see the recipe. The post Pinto Squash Stew with Chimichurri appeared first on Naturally Ella . from Naturally Ella Erin Alderson February 27, 2018 at 05:51PM

“Verde” Lentil Vegan Tacos

Ten Weeknight Express Recipes eBook

Hi all! I made a free ebook for anyone who signs up for the 101 Cookbooks newsletter . It's a collection of favorite weeknight-friendly recipes, and by being on the mailing list, it'll be easier for me to send future recipes and content directly to you. I get the feeling that reaching many of you via Facebook, Pinterest, and other social networks is increasingly challenging (even if you've asked to follow 101 Cookbooks). So if you click on this link , or the graphic below, and sign up, you'll get an email with a link to your Weeknight Express PDF . If you're already on the mailing list, you'll get a link later this week. Enjoy! Recipes in this collection include: Curried Tomato Tortellini Soup, Ponzu Pasta, Last Minute Red Lasagna, Spicy Tahini Noodles with Roasted Vegetables, Quick Vegan Enchiladas with Sweet Potato Sauce, Double Broccoli Buddha Bowl, Golden Crusted Sesame Seeded Tofu, Garlic Lime Lettuce Wraps with Tempeh, and The Ultimate Vegan Nachos. I

6 Plyometrics Exercises for a Better Workout in Less Time

[caption id="attachment_35331" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Pond5 [/caption] Plyometrics — or high-intensity exercises that stretch and then quickly shorten your muscles (think jump squats or plyo push-ups) — are already known for their quick calorie-blasting, body-toning results. “The technique was originally designed to develop explosive speed and power in Olympic athletes , but the benefits extend out to the average Joe and Jane in both body and mind,” says Adam Rosante, NYC-based trainer and creator of the popular bodyweight interval workout WaveShape . “The intensity of firing up your big muscle groups with such speed sends your heart rate through the roof and burns a ton of fat.” Plus, Rosante explains, when your brain is forced to process the mechanical speed required of plyo moves, it has the potential to improve overall cognitive function. But there’s better news yet: There may be an even more efficient way to do this powerhouse typ

The Best Simple Cauliflower Soup

This is the simplest of cauliflower soups. And it is so dang good. The ingredient list is shorter than short, and if you have a great yellow curry paste on hand (or even just a good one), it is worth making. I love the super silky texture you get from blending this soup in a high-speed blender, but a hand-blender is B+ level good as well. So, don't sweat the equipment side of things too much. This is the latest in a long-running series of love letter recipes to simple pureed soups, including (get ready ;) carrot soup , asparagus soup , green soup , tomato soup , also this broccoli soup . What I'm saying is, blender soups forever. I get a little crazy with the toppings, but the soup is good simple and straight too. Here the cauliflower soup is topped with toasted pine nuts, fried shallots, and hemp seeds, and more of the yellow curry paste whisked with a bit of shallot oil. Continue reading The Best Simple Cauliflower Soup... from 101 Cookbooks

Tim Han – How to begin a Personal Development Path

In this video we are talking with Tim Han, the founder of Success Insider . I very much enjoyed his story of how he changed his life from working in a dead-end job, cleaning toilets, addicted to drugs and involved with crime, to becoming a world-renowned high performance coach, online marketing expert, entrepreneur and international speaker. Listen to the podcast episode here:    Watch the video interview here:   Recommended Download – ‘How To Have Unstoppable Self-Confidence Without Seeming Arrogant’ < The post Tim Han – How to begin a Personal Development Path appeared first on Addicted2WingChun . from Addicted2WingChun Bogdan Rosu February 25, 2018 at 03:30AM

Onion Frittata with Goat Cheese and Arugula

Post sponsored by Anolon Cookware. See below for more details. I don’t watch a ton of television but I have a soft spot in my heart for older cooking shows. There is a realness and perfect messiness to the older shows- something that appears to be gone in our instagram-curated cooking. Of all the shows, to this day, I most adore watching Julia Child. I love everything about her approach to food and cooking- so much of it is what we still need in today’s food culture. When Anolon asked me to create a recipe for the 40th anniversary of IACP in the style of one of the original founders, I knew I wanted to create something to honor Julia. In terms of this recipe, I’ve always found Julia’s approach to eggs to be elegant. The egg recipes and techniques are simple but the end result is perfect. There’s a grace she has with eggs, in every type of preparation. This onion frittata is my nod to that. It’s a recipe that we eat quite a bit on the weekend. The onions aren’t quite caramelized b

How to Get Toned Arms With 6 Easy Exercises

[caption id="attachment_65912" align="aligncenter" width="620"] Photo: Twenty20 [/caption] Want to live every day like it’s #FlexFriday ? Of course you do! But it can be frustrating to crank out endless bicep curls or tricep dips without seeing results. Believe it or not, getting the leaned, toned arms you’ve been longing for isn’t impossible — as long as you ditch those static movements and vary up your routine. By working out in a way that challenges your muscles from different angles, you’ll work the entire circumference of your arm. “You may get a more chiseled look, because you are working all of the different muscles instead of that one little line in the back [the triceps] and a little bit of bulk in the bicep,” says DailyBurn Fitness/Nutrition Coach Sarah Snyder. RELATED:   50 Butt Exercises to Sculpt Stronger Glutes And while we’re debunking muscle myths, here’s another mistake we know we’re all guilty of: You’re standing in front of the mir

Three Good Spreads

After having spent 30 minutes listening to my (almost) eight-year-old daughter telling a joke, I can tell you with a 100% certainty that she’s got a talent for comedy. Someone apparently told her this joke in school and she tried explaining it to me repeatedly without ever reaching the pun. It was the funniest thing I’ve heard in years. And she refused to give up and just kept at it. Something about blood dripping in a dark room and an old woman peeling tomatoes (although I think it should be blood orange, but don’t tell Elsa). While I was literally ROFL with her, I had this revelation that this is it . This is the meaning of it all. As good as it gets. Total presens, laughing so my tummy hurts together with someone I love unlimitedly. Life peaks here. So here is a suggestion. Whip up a couple of good spreads, fill a tray with veggies, shut off your phone and sit down with someone you love and tell each other jokes tonight – with or without a pun. About these spreads. The pink one i

Sweet Potato Celeriac Pasta with Tarragon Butter Sauce

Post sponsored by La Crema Wines. See below for more details. In the past month, I've eaten more mushrooms and tofu than I've had in the rest of my life combined. My tastes are shifting and while I still won't actively seek those ingredients, I'm not opposed to the meals I'm served. So, when La Crema asked me to share a recipe that would pair with their Monterey Pinot Noir , I froze a bit. I have this preset notion that red wine and vegetarian cooking equates to mushrooms. All roads lead back to mushrooms. Except that's not true. To balance out the sweetness of the sweet potatoes and richness of the butter, I added two earthy elements: neither are mushrooms. The celeriac brings a bit of balance but it's really the tarragon butter sauce that pulls this dish together with the pinot noir. It may seem like an odd combination, but the end result hints as the earthiness without being overpowering. Read more and see the recipe. The post Sweet Potato Celeriac


I feel weird that I called it a "minestra." That is the Italian word for a mixed vegetable sort of soup, think minestrone, and it sounds way more intriguing that way right?! I skipped the pasta here, though you could totally add it or some brown rice or shredded chicken to fill it out if you're into that sort of thing. I have a tough time with salads when it's chilly out, so this pot of goodness serves as an alternative to pack in the vegetables. It is made of easy, pantry staples and some easy to find produce. Boring on its own (sell it, girl!), as brothy, all-vegetable soups go, so a heavy hand with the parmesan croutons is necessary. It tastes better the next day, so lunch leftovers or delivering it to a sick friend is encouraged.  BUTTERNUT + KALE MINESTRA // Serves 6 Inspired by Williams and Sonoma I understand wine and vinegar are not often subs for each other, but I hate when I have all but one ingredient. It's winter, I stock red wine in the cool m

Walnut Olive Miso Magic Sauce

While, in my book, this will forever be the original magic sauce , this chunky walnut olive miso creation is worthy of the name as well. It works its magic by making everything it goes on more delicious in a deep, savory, nutty, umami way. You combine toasted walnuts, olives, miso, a dusting of oregano, and a dollop of tahini into a chunky condiment of sorts. The tahini lends just the right hint of creaminess. When I say it boosts everything, I mean from pasta and crackers, salads and soups, tarts and toasts. You think something is good? A dollop (or more!) of this will make it better. It's also quite flexible, you can make it with hazelnuts, or pine nuts, or even toasted almonds. I even make it with green olives and then stir it into farro for a quick meal. Delish! Continue reading Walnut Olive Miso Magic Sauce... from 101 Cookbooks February 22, 2018 at 10:44AM

Triple Almond Energy Balls (vegan, grain-free, naturally sweetened)

One of my biggest challenges when photographing beige- or blah-coloured recipes is making them look as appealing as they taste…the struggle is real! Dishes like curries, brownies, oatmeal, energy balls, etc. tend to look a bit sad through the camera’s lens. If you want a giggle, check out one of the very first beige/brown recipe photos I ever took on the blog. I posted this Pumpkin Banana Bran & Oatmeal Muffin recipe way back in 2008 (holy cow, I’m a blogging DINOSAUR! lol).  A good trick I’ve learned through countless trial and error (mostly error…and a few curse words) is that I need to add a lot of colour to photos even if the food itself isn’t colourful. It probably seems obvious, but with so many other things going on for a photo shoot (cooking, food styling, camera settings, lighting, etc.) it can be easy to forget the importance of planning for colour. If I’m shooting oatmeal or plain Jane muffins, I try to add some enticing fruit on top and more pops of colour on the tab