
Showing posts from December, 2019

Brilliant Non-Alcoholic Cocktails Everyone Loves

Non-alcoholic cocktails don’t have to be a bummer. And, there are an increasing number of reasons to enjoy them over their boozy counterpoints. For example, if you’re pregnant, if you’re attempting to improve your health overall, if you’re taking a break from alcohol, or if you’re just tired of waking up a bit groggy. Winding Down with a Drink That said, having something special to drink at the end of a day is a favorite ritual. A celebration of sorts, and a way for to transition from to-do list mode, into a more relaxed frame of mind. I’m hoping these will provide some booze-free inspiration. Play around with aqua frescas, shrubs, kombuchas, and fresh fruit syrups. All can be fun components in mocktail type drinks. I like to keep the components in nice jars and decanters, and serve in pretty glassware. Enjoy! 1. Rose & Rhubarb Soda – (QUITOKEETO) Keep blushy pink rhubarb syrup on hand, and you’re just a splash away from a special soda. Love this for brunches, and if you serv

Life Changing Green Rice Porridge (Instant Pot, Vegan)

I don’t use the term life changing lightly, but this rice porridge recipe fits the bill. It’s a one pot, effortless, green, nutrient-packed twist on one of my favorite things to eat. Congee, also commonly referred to as rice porridge. This version incorporates a lot of chopped spinach. A lot. Enough spinach that your body will notice. The Cooking Method I make this porridge in an Instant Pot. You can also make it in a thick-bottomed pot on the stovetop – no Instant Pot necessary. Although, that method requires more babysitting. Similar to this Instant Pot Congee with Brown Rice and Turmeric , you put your rice into the pot, add water or broth, walk away, and start daydreaming about toppings. Let’s Talk about Toppings Here you see lime, crushed kale chips and toasted nori, toasted pepitas, hemp seeds, and jungle peanuts. The tofu is sliced thinly, drizzled with shoyu, and draped over the porridge. Sometimes I spike the whole situation with sriracha sauce, sometimes I don’t. Ge

Easy Champagne Cocktails

Nothing’s more festive than bubbly champagne cocktails! They’re easy to make, and add class and style to any celebration. Are you ready to celebrate? Champagne has been a festive drink for centuries. Of course, you can just pop the cork and drink it straight up (which Alex and I do, often!). But why not try a champagne cocktail? The tangy, bubbly sparkling wine is perfect with all sorts of flavors, from lemon to St Germain to cranberry. Even just adding one or two ingredients to champagne really alters the flavor and adds depth. And of course, holding a glass says, “Hey, I’m someone with sophistication and class!” Ready to toast? And now… the best easy champagne cocktails to try! The Classic Champagne Cocktail This isn’t just an champagne cocktail, it’s THE champagne cocktail. Yes, the Champagne Cocktail is a classic recipe on the International Bartender's Association list of IBA official cocktails . It's a thing. Even better: it's tangy and refreshi

20 Fantastic Noodle Soups to Cook this Winter

A good brothy noodle soup is great anytime of year, but it’s particularly good in the middle of winter. And you have options! Between the broth, the type of noodles, and whatever else you put in the bowl, the possibilities are nearly endless. Below you’ll find a collection of A+ noodle soups to try. There are interpretations of classics like pho and ramen, alongside seasonal ideas, and unique seasoning approaches. Enjoy! – h 1. Winter Green Miso Noodle Soup – (101 Cookbooks) The noodle soup above is built on my green miso paste. Simply add water, whatever fresh noodles, and some winter greens, and you’re good.  2. Pumpkin Miso Broth with Soba – (My New Roots) Perfect winter combination and colors. The combination of sesame seeds and sautéed shiitake mushrooms on top looks wonderful. 3. One-Pot 5-Spice Chickpea Noodle Soup – (Will Frolic for Food) A hearty soup made with rotini. It highlights an array of five spices along with a combination of balsamic, apple cider vinegar,