
Showing posts from January, 2018

Curried Sheet Pan Broccoli with Peanuts and Tahini

This sheet pan dinner is all about adaptability. Caramelized and deeply-roasted broccoli is my favorite base, but don't limit yourself. Feathery leaves of Brussels sprouts make a great substitute, or(!) tiny cauliflower florets. Even better, do a mix of vegetables (the blend in the photo is mostly broccolini with a few handfuls of shredded brussels sprouts). The creamy, under-dressing is tahini based, but almond butter or sunflower seed butter work nicely as well - all in the spirit of using whatever you have on hand. One of the magic elements of this recipe is the pop of sweetness you get from using a bit of roasted dried fruit, don't skip, seriously. I like using golden raisins because they plump up, ooze a bit of sugary juice, and then caramelize where the juice hits the baking sheet. But if sourcing them is a challenge, just go for chopped dried apricots, or chopped dates. It all comes off one sheet pan, plated on a single, family-style platter. Alison Roman has a bri

Jeremy Ta’kody – Mind, Body, Soul and the Grandness of Life

Jeremy Ta’kody is the owner and Director of Evolve Dojo Berwick. He’s been learning and practicing martial arts for most of his life, teaching for over 25 years. He is the co-founder of the Tactical Mixed Martial Arts Association (a training and certification body for students and professional trainers), a certified Master Fitness Trainer, the Founder of the Dynamic Muay Thai curriculum, creator of Reflex Fitness Boxing and Kickboxing system, and creator of the “$100k Fitness Boxing Bootcamp Blueprint” for personal trainers. It was a pleasure to sit down with Jeremy. My favorite part of our talk was the section where we spoke about the mind, the body, the soul, life and death, and searching for meaning. He shared a statement towards the end that will most probably stay with me for ever. Super grateful to have him on the podcast. Listen to the Podcast episode here: Or watch the Video interview here:   Thanks for listening in! As always if you feel that you could be doing so mu

Ras El Hanout Farro Skillet

Post sponsored by Bob's Red Mill. See below for more details. I am in love with eggs baked in tomato bases. Give me a solid Shakshuka with some crusty bread any day of the week. This farro skillet is inspired by the traditional Shakshuka but the farro plays a large role in the substance of the dish. Also, I use a Ras El Hanout spice blend (also from a similar origin as Shakshuka). I love how the warming spices from the blend work with the tomatoes and nutty flavor of the farro. It's a solid breakfast but it's also one of my favorite dinner recipes. Best of all, this recipe is perfect if you have leftover farro from the day before. It makes this meal fairly quick and a perfect weekend breakfast or weeknight dinner. Read more and see the recipe. The post Ras El Hanout Farro Skillet appeared first on Naturally Ella . from Naturally Ella Erin Alderson January 30, 2018 at 01:15PM

5 Oblique Exercises to Sculpt Your Abs

[caption id="attachment_65258" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Pond5 [/caption] Chances are the center of your midsection gets a little more love than the rest. Both men and women are guilty of skipping oblique exercises to focus on what’s front and center: your rectus abdominal muscles , aka the “six-pack.” However, exercising your obliques (located on either side of the abdomen between your hip flexors and your lats), will translate to a sleeker midsection — not to mention a stronger, more stabilized core. So if  tighter abs are on your wish list, it’s time to address the obliques. “Sports that involve any sort of twisting or balance control call on your obliques for strength and stability,” says Matthew Wert, M.D, an Orthopedic Surgeon and Director of Sports Medicine at New York Methodist Hospital. These key stabilizing muscles are also directly tied to your powerhouse. "They help athletes balance and are recruited in many sport-specific m

Cheerful Vegan Nachos

HEALTHY COMFORT FOOD FOR THE WIN! Whohoo. No matter who you’re cheering for, if you’re looking for a tasty game day appetizer, this is the recipe for you. It could even double as a cozy Valentine’s Day meal in or I’m-so-sick-of-winter family pick-me-up. Not that you really need a reason anyway because, seriously, look at these plant-powered beauties! I posted this recipe to the app over the weekend and was thrilled to see so many of you run right to your kitchens to make them! I have to say, I’ve had a pretty bad case of the winter blahs this month. I kicked off the new year feeling uninspired and was soon run down by a cold, random injury, rough parenting phase, and string of bad sleeps. Anyone else have a tough start to the new year? I’ll be welcoming February with WIDE OPEN ARMS and all the heart-eyed emojis this Thursday, I tell ya! Not surprisingly, that low energy and lack of inspiration crossed over into dinnertime menu planning, so in a bid not to serve the same meal for t

This is How You Step up Your Guacamole Game

I'm all for a straight-ahead, no-fuss, guacamole. Nine times out of ten, that's how I approach it. Let the avocado shine. Don't distract with tomatoes, or pomegranate seeds, or too much lemon, or too much lime. I wrote some thoughts about guacamole basics here . That tenth occasion? I'll work in a wildcard, or take a surprise approach. Something along the lines of what you see pictured here, a recurring favorite. It's a recipe I shared years ago in Super Natural Every Day , loosely inspired by a preparation I came across in Julie Sahni's Classic Indian Vegetarian and Grain Cooking . Imagine guacamole topped with fragrant, Indian-spiced onions and garlic, green chiles, and mustard seeds. The creamy, ripe avocado melds beautifully the savory bits, and the vibrant cooking oil works its way into all the little valleys. People love this with chips, toasted pita, or naan bread. If you're in any sort of a rut, give this a try. SUBSCRIBE TO VIDEOS A quick side

Issue 5 of Martial Arts Studies Now Advailable: Choy Li Fut, Savate and the “Notorious” Conor McGregor

    We are happy to announce that the fifth issue of Martial Arts Studies is now freely available . For new readers, Martial Arts Studies is the premier scholarly source for interdisciplinary work on a wide variety of topics surrounding the practice, sociology, history and media representation of the modern combat sports and traditional martial arts. Published twice yearly, we are dedicated to presenting the very best research written and reviewed by leaders in the field. This issue begins with an editorial discussion followed by five articles and three book reviews. Judkins and Bowman (our editors) set the tone by asking how we as scholars can demonstrate to our colleagues that martial arts, and by extension martial arts studies, really matters . While a critical task, easy answers to this question are often complicated by the deeply interdisciplinary nature of this emerging field. Still, its rapid growth over the last five years has made this topic more pressing than ever. In


Hello gang! This feels like the best dose of inspiration for a Monday. A thoughtful, uplifting interview with the amazing Lisa Congdon! I spent some time with her in her home studio and painting... Click on the title for the full post! from The Year In Food Kimberley January 29, 2018 at 01:01AM

How To Heal Diabetes With Intermittent Fasting

Ten percent. 30 million! That’s how many Americans struggle with diabetes! While we once believed the disease to be irreversible, studies now shed light on an alternative treatment option-intermittent fasting. How IF Works AGAINST Diabetes Animal studies carried out on mice showed remarkable results when the mice were put on a fasting schedule. Numerous stories have been reported of diabetics attributing the reversal of their disease to this seemingly extreme way of dieting. One such testimonial comes from one of my own patients! She struggled with her sugars for years, began intermittent fasting and her blood glucose readings became ideal! When you consider the only other alternative that can potentially reverse diabetes, bariatric surgery, one may wonder, What’s the difference? Well, aside from surgery being super invasive, the body’s response to these types of surgeries and intermittent fasting is the same! Both greatly reduce caloric intake and both stimulate the hormone that ke

Creamy Yogurt Mac and Cheese with Spinach

This post was created in partnership with  Stonyfield . All opinions are our own.  Now that we’re parents of this heartmelting 11 month old, we think even more about wellness. How do we keep baby well through the cold and flu season—and for that matter, his mama and daddy too? Even if you’re not a parent, beating cold and flu season is key to keeping your commitments and staying well in the winter. Last week, I got to talk to an expert: Dr. Tanya Altman, a pediatrician and author who’s all about baby and mama wellness! It was encouraging to talk to her about winter wellness and ask her all my questions. Here are some of her tips for keeping everyone healthy through the cold and flu season: Sleep is key.  Getting a good night’s sleep is key to overall wellness and fighting sickness. Shoot me an email if you want the breakdown of recommended sleep for your baby and I’ll send you the slide! Start the day with protein.  That means things like eggs, nut butter, oatmeal, and yogurt! (Th

Calamansi Beer Cooler

I'm excited about the Super Bowl for a single reason. It gives me an excuse to post this recipe. It's a beer cocktail. It's two ingredients. And you're going to need to make a trip to Trader Joe's to procure the special ingredient - calamansi juice cooler. Calamansi is a fragrant, bitter-in-the-best-way citrus, and when you combine the juice in a glass with some good IPA, over ice, it's going to be your new favorite thing. Pick up a 6-pack (I use Lagunitas) while you're calamansi shopping, and you're all set. I thought I was going to have to wait until summer to share this, or maybe drop it closer to spring break, because beer cocktails in the dead of winter? Who wants that? I've been sitting on this for a while already, it was starting to make me antsy. Long way of saying, I feel like I have my window here, and THIS needs to be your two-ingredient Super Bowl beverage. Or, just skip the football game, and focus on the beverage. ;) I'm not typ

7 Beginner Yoga Poses to Get You Through Your First Class

[caption id="attachment_65216" align="alignnone" width="620"] Photo: Twenty20 [/caption] If you’re a yoga newbie, it’s completely normal to feel intimidated by the die-hard yogis who warm up for class with handstands. Yes, handstands . But remember, everyone’s got to start somewhere. “In theory, there are no poses you must know before a class — you’re going there to learn,” says Mandy Ingber , New York Times   best-selling author of  Yogalosophy: 28-days to the Ultimate Mind-Body Makeover , not to mention the woman responsible for Jennifer Aniston’s yoga addiction (and rock-hard abs). Even if it’s Day 1 of your exercise journey, your task is simple: Throw on some form-fitting clothing (you’ll be able to see your body position better — and avoid a wardrobe malfunction), then get familiar with these seven basic poses. While you may not see all of them in every class, they’ll help you get started, plus make you feel more comfortable when you walk into th